Intervention levels

Street lighting and traffic signals

Area Requirement Timescales
Door or identification number Column/Post door missing Within 2 hours
Door or identification number None Within 5 days
Door or identification number Asset identification number missing. Damage to door. Within 10 days
Wires exposed Wiring exposed Within 2 hours
Wires exposed None Within 5 days
Wires exposed None Within 10 days
Columns or posts Column leaning or knocked down and causing obstruction to the safe passage of the highway user. Damaged and in danger of collapse or causing a hazard Within 2 hours
Columns or posts   Within 5 days
Columns or posts Damaged or leaning but not causing a hazard Within 10 days
Lanterns Lantern bowl hanging Within 2 hours
Lanterns None Within 5 days
Lanterns Street lights, signs or bollards: Day burning lantern, intermittent lantern, lamp out or lantern missing. Within 10 days
Intelligent transport systems

This category shall include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Signal not working
  • Gas explosion or a reported gas leak near to signal equipment
  • Road Traffic Collision involving damage to signal equipment and causing potential damage to the public
  • Exposed live wiring and components
Within 2 hours
Intelligent transport systems None Within 5 days
Intelligent transport systems None Within 10 days