What we do - Winter service

Deciding when to grit

Our weather forecasters use the latest technology to predict when road surface temperatures will drop below freezing or snow will fall. We then use this information when deciding when we need to grit the roads.

We aim to spread salt on the roads before frost and ice are formed by freezing temperatures. Rain or snow can wash salt away, so we try to grit after rain has passed but before the road surface freezes. Where possible, we avoid the morning and evening rush hours – which is why people don’t often get to see our gritters in action.

Gritting decisions are made at least once a day, sometimes more in colder weather and when conditions are likely to change.

We monitor weather conditions through the day, using our six weather stations (and cameras) across the County, located in Rye, Lewes, Willingdon, Golden Cross, Wych Cross and Mark Cross.