What we do - Winter service

When will my road be gritted?

Gritting the road at the right time is crucial. We use the latest weather forecasting technology and monitor road surface temperatures to help us decide where and when to grit.

We aim to grit the roads before frost and ice are formed by freezing temperatures. This is often in the evening or early mornings, which is why people don't often see our gritters in action.

Rain or snow can wash grit away, so where possible we also try to grit after rain has passed but before the road freezes again.

Please note, not all roads are on our gritting routes.

Why is my road not gritted?

We don't have the resources to grit all roads in the county. Our set gritting routes give priority to the busiest roads.

Can you add my road to your gritting routes?

We receive many requests to grit additional roads from residents throughout the county, but we have to prioritise the main routes between populated areas and those routes carrying the most traffic.

Please be assured that all of our gritting routes have been carefully selected to provide the best possible chance of keeping traffic moving across the county during the winter months.