Our Guide to Highways


This guide contains an overview of the service that is delivered by East Sussex Highways (ESH), a partnership between Balfour Beatty Living Places and East Sussex County Council (ESCC), which started in May 2023.

This guide will focus on key issues and comments that tend to be raised by members of the public. You can view how we follow a risk-based regime of inspection, surveying and recording that allows us to assess the condition of the highway and proactively deliver repairs to the network within appropriate timescales here.

ESH recognise the importance of the Highway network. The highway infrastructure is vital to not only the economic growth of the county but to keep local communities safe and connected as promoted by our council’s priorities. The local highway network is without doubt the most valuable publicly owned asset managed by East Sussex County Council (ESCC) with a total value of £8.58 billion (2017).

The Council is committed to having the best road condition for the investment available, and supports an asset management based approach for the maintenance of the highway network.