About the proposed designs
The information on this page refers to the proposals for a one-lane replacement bridge if we are unable to secure funding for the two lane bridge.
What are you proposing instead?
The new bridge will be in the same location as the current bridge and will still have a single lane for traffic. We are in the process of considering a number of design options, but hope to include some improvements to the current design where planning and funding allow. For example, we are looking at whether it will be possible to include:
- permanent traffic lights at either end of the bridge (and at the entry/exit to the Cuckmere Inn)
- signalised pedestrian crossings with tactile paving and dropped kerbs,
- widening the pavement and moving it to the south side of the bridge for better connectivity,
- reducing the speed limit,
- putting back the bus stops either side of the bridge,
- low level walkway lighting on the pavement over bridge (compatible with National Park Dark Skies area)
What will you be doing for pedestrians and cyclists?
The proposals for new pedestrian crossings, reduced speed limit and wider pavements will make it safer and more accessible for pedestrians in the area.
The bridge is not wide enough to include a cycleway and there is not sufficient funding to create cycleways leading to the bridge. However, installing permanent traffic lights at either end of the bridge would make it safer for cyclists to cross the bridge.
We have signed a memorandum of understanding with the South Downs National Park Authority to work with them on improving access for non-motorised users in this region, subject to resources as well as external funding being secured and available to do so in the future. The National Park has provisionally allocated funding to undertake a feasibility study to consider pedestrian crossing options between the Visitor Centre and Country Park on the southern side of the A259. This work will commence in 2025/26.
There used to be bus stops either side of the bridge, can these be put back?
The bus stops were removed to accommodate the temporary traffic lights. However, we are looking into options that will allow us to put back the bus stops either side of the bridge.
How will it affect the environment and wildlife?
We recognise the huge responsibility we have to protect the unique nature of the area and ensure that the work we do not only benefits those using the road, but also protect this ecologically sensitive location. We are working closely with the South Downs National Park, as the Planning Authority, and the Environment Agency to ensure the bridge does not have a negative impact on the local environment.
The footprint of the bridge would be almost identical to the current one which will minimise the impact on the river and existing wildlife. As part of our planning and design for replacing the existing bridge, surveys of protected species and habitats will take place.
We will consult with the Environment Agency and Marine Management Organisation to inform the design and to minimise impact on environment and wildlife during and after construction. Construction work is timed to ensure we don’t disturb hibernating bats, nesting birds etc.
During construction we will be conscious of the impact of noise and light on the local area and will balance this with the need to minimise disruption to residents, visitors and people travelling through Exceat.
Will the proposed new traffic lights and streets lights have an impact on the dark skies?
We are conscious that the region falls in the South Downs International Dark Sky Reserve. We will follow the South Downs National Park Authority’s Dark Skies Technical Advice Note which provides guidance on street lighting in Dark Skies areas. For example, ensuring the light is angled downwards, is of a minimum brightness and colour to be effective, and glare is minimised. These will be an improvement on the lighting there at the moment.