Exceat bridge replacement project
East Sussex County Council is seeking funding to replace the existing bridge with a new, two lane bridge to the north of the current bridge with improved footways, viewing platforms and a shared space outside the Cuckmere Inn. This will help:
- ease congestion,
- reduce journey times and
- improve accessibility for visitors to the area.
Although the council secured £7.9m funding from the Government’s Levelling Up Fund in 2021 as well as contributing funds from its own capital budgets, project costs have increased. This is due to it having taken several more years than expected to meet the requirements of the South Downs National Park Authority and carry out land negotiations. The extra work and changes to design have increased costs significantly, and in parallel, there has been unexpectedly high inflation and a dramatic increase in construction costs as a result of Brexit, the impact from the Covid pandemic and the war in Ukraine. As a result, the amount needed to develop and deliver the proposed two way bridge has risen by nearly £10m. Other Councils have faced similar challenge with other capital transport schemes.
Following publication of the Cabinet report for 4 March 2025, one of the principal bus operators in the county came forward to suggest we explore the use of Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) funding as they considered a two-lane replacement bridge at Exceat to be of higher priority than other bus priority measures in our BSIP. We are currently exploring whether it will be possible to use BSIP funding for the project, given the impact on the bus service. The reallocation of some of the BSIP funding to the Exceat Bridge project will require formal approval from the East Sussex Enhanced Bus Service Partnership and the Department for Transport.
If bus priority funding is reallocated, the BSIP projects would still remain within the pipeline for consideration when future BSIP funding is confirmed.
If it is not possible to secure extra funding there will be no option but to replace Exceat bridge with a less expensive, one-lane bridge, similar to the bridge that is there currently. The proposed new design however includes the permanent introduction of traffic lights and pedestrian crossings to manage traffic flow and improve accessibility.
More detailed information about the one-lane bridge is provided on the next few pages.