Application guidance notes - Place bollards or posts (S142)


  1. Applications must be made on the accompanying forms and it is important to provide all the information requested on the form, otherwise there will be a delay while the missing information is sought.
  2. The application form asks for a copy of a plan clearly showing the positions where individual posts are proposed to be placed; this plan must accompany the completed application form. The posts must be at least 450mm from the edge of the carriageway (excluding kerbstones if present).
  3. The specification for the post and installation, together with certain conditions applicable to the licence, as described in Appendix “A” and Appendix “B” must be read and agreed by the applicant before submitting the application form.
  4. On receipt of a completed application form together with the plan, fee and signed consent from other parties / immediate neighbours (as appropriate), the Traffic Manager will investigate the application and the site. Unless there are complicating factors you should hear within four weeks whether (i) the application is acceptable and a licence is granted or (ii) the application would be acceptable should the stated modifications be made or (iii) the application is refused.
  5. In the event of the response being 4 (i) or 4 (ii) above, conditions concerning the granting of the licence shall be made, (see 6. above).
  6. If other parties have an interest in the property (e.g. if the property is not occupied by the owner, or is shared or divided into flats), all parties must sign the application. We also ask that your immediate neighbours are consulted before you make your application and a form is enclosed to gain consent as appropriate and to return to us with your completed application form. Should it come to light that this condition has not been met any licence issued may be null and void. We also reserve the right to consult with the parish / town council.
  7. The name(s) entered on the form by the applicant will be used by the Highway Authority should a licence be issued, and the address entered will be used for all related correspondence unless the application requests otherwise.
  8. Any person erecting posts on the highway should have Public Liability Insurance for £10,000,000 (as recommended by East Sussex County Council in light of current settlements), and will indemnify the highway authority against any claims during the installation of the posts.
  9. Health and Safety legislation requires contractors to make their operatives aware of all potential risks. Danger from buried apparatus presents a severe risk of electrocution or gas explosion. Therefore, plans of Statutory Undertaker apparatus are provided by us as part within the Section 171 application which is required alongside this application form. These plans may influence the positioning of the posts. Your contractor will require this information to keep his employees safe.
  10. Once erected, provided the posts are installed in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations, plan and schedule, the highway authority will accept future liability for any claims arising from the siting of the posts, but will not accept liability for any claims arising from the lack of maintenance of the posts.
  11. Please note that any licence issued will also require a Section 171 Excavation in the Highway licence. The cost of which is available on the Application Fees page of this website. 
  12. If you need further advice on any aspect of your application, please contact the Traffic Manager’s office at:

Network Management
East Sussex Highways
The Broyle
East Sussex

Tel: 0345 60 80 193