Licence terms and conditions

Building materials and plant terms and conditions

Building materials and plant terms and conditions
The following conditions shall be deemed terms of the licence. The licensee agrees to comply with the schedule of conditions as contained as follows failure to do so may result in the revoking of the permission granted. 
Section 171 Of The Highways Act 1980 

Licence Conditions:

1.    All items shall be deposited in the licensed position only and as to not to impede the surface water drainage. 
2.    No item shall be positioned to obstruct access to any premises unless the consent of the occupier of those premises has been obtained.
3.    All loose material shall be contained to the satisfaction of an authorised officer, no dust as a result of the items shall be permitted to spread while the placement stands upon the highway.
4.    The highway shall be left, at all times, in a clean and tidy condition.
5.    Each placement shall be guarded when required.
6.    Each placement shall be properly lighted within the terms of the Highways Act 1980
7.    Items when standing on the highway, must not be or contain any inflammable, explosive, noxious or dangerous material, or any material which is likely to putrefy or otherwise is, or is likely to become a nuisance to users of the highway.
8.    The Licensee shall permit access to any Undertaker as defined by the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 and shall if required remove the licenced object as necessary to provide such access including but not limited to highway maintenance activities.
9.    No Item that is likely to affect a parking bay is to be placed until the appropriate parking bay suspension has been obtained.
10.    The licensee’s 24-hour telephone number, or the 24-hour number of the person responsible for maintaining the licenced object, shall be displayed at all times.

11.    The licensee shall indemnify the licensor against all claims for legal liability arising from the issue of this licence for which East Sussex Highways could otherwise be responsible and provide public liability cover to an adequate level and this shall not be less than £10m.

12.    Any damage caused to the highway from the act of delivering, placing, or removing the licenced object may be repaired by the Licensor and the Licensee must indemnify the Licensor on demand against any costs incurred by the Licensor in connection with such repairs in this instance. Alternatively, the licensee may be responsible for making good to the satisfaction of East Sussex Highways, the appropriate licence or permissions may be required to do so.

13.    East Sussex Highways reserves the right to alter, add special conditions or cancel this licence at any time with reasonable cause. Should this licence be cancelled at any time, the licence fees will still apply.