Hoarding terms and conditions
The following conditions shall be deemed terms of the licence. The licensee agrees to comply with the schedule of conditions as contained as follows failure to do so may result in the revoking of the permission granted.
Section 172 Of The Highways Act 1980 and Section 65 Of The Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
Licence Conditions:
1. With the exception of cases covered in point 2 below, the hoarding shall provide a clear passageway for pedestrians of at least 1.5m whilst providing a clearance of at least 500mm between the hoarding and the carriageway edge. Where footways are greater than 2.5m in width East Sussex Highways may require a wider clear passageway as a condition of issuing a licence and advice should be sought. The Authority may specify the materials to be used and that the corners of hoardings are to be splayed on certain sites.
2. Where it is not possible to comply with point 1 above, owing to a narrow footway width, East Sussex Highway permission must be sought, either to allow reduced widths or to encroach into the carriageway, in which case East Sussex Highways will need to be satisfied that the site is suitable for either of these treatments and, in the case of the latter, that adequate provisions are made for the continuing safe passage of pedestrians, including any necessary walkways, ramps, decking, lighting and restraints against intrusion by vehicles. A full Traffic Management Plan (TMP) should be provided.
3. The Licensee shall permit access to any Undertaker as defined by the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 and shall if required remove the Hoarding as necessary to provide such access including but not limited to highway maintenance activities.
4. No Hoarding that is likely to affect a parking bay is to be erected until the appropriate parking bay suspension has been obtained.
5. No advertisements may be placed on any hoardings. Special attention should be paid to any contractor’s signs and logos placed on hoardings to ensure that they comply with the Town and Country Planning Act. Any flyposting or graffiti on hoardings must be removed by the licence holder as soon as possible.
6. Hoists or chutes are not covered as a standard term and condition of this licence. No projections will be permitted over the highway outside the standards, except in connection with fans, in which case the minimum headroom shall be 5.5m where this is above a carriageway, and 2.4m elsewhere.
7. No hoarding shall be erected where this would obscure traffic lights, traffic signs, parking signs or streetlights without East Sussex Highways specific approval. No hoarding shall be attached to street furniture.
8. Any access points in the hoarding must not open outwards over the public highway.
9. No elements of hoarding shall be placed on the highway prior to the commencement of the licensed period, and all elements of the hoarding shall be removed, and the highway left unobstructed and clean at the expiry of the licensed period.
10. The licensee’s 24-hour telephone number, or the 24-hour number of the person responsible for maintaining the hoarding, shall be displayed at all times.
11. The licensee shall indemnify the licensor against all claims for legal liability arising from the issue of this licence for which East Sussex Highways could otherwise be responsible and provide public liability cover to an adequate level and this shall not be less than £10m.
12. Any damage caused to the highway from the act of delivering, placing, or removing the structure may be repaired by the Licensor and the Licensee must indemnify the Licensor on demand against any costs incurred by the Licensor in connection with such repairs in this instance. Alternatively, the licensee may be responsible for making good to the satisfaction of East Sussex Highways, the appropriate licence or permissions may be required to do so.
13. East Sussex Highways reserves the right to alter, add special conditions or cancel this licence at any time with reasonable cause. Should this licence be cancelled at any time, the licence fees will still apply.