What is Community Match
Community Match is an initiative created to enable Local Communities to apply for match funding to deliver additional highway schemes. Community Match is applicable for schemes with a total cost of up to £120,000. ESCC will provide up to 50% of funding (up to a maximum value of £60,000), with the community providing the rest.
We welcome applications from Parish Councils, Residents Associations or local Community Groups who have the full support of their Local County Council Member.
Examples include:
- Improvements to signage and road markings
- Traffic calming measures
- Introduction of dropped kerbs and paving in a village for increased pedestrian accessibility
Only schemes with a total estimated cost of under £120,000 can be considered for implementation through the Community Match Initiative. However, the Council may agree to authorise highway improvements or alterations carried out by third parties, via a Section 278 Agreement. A Section 278 guidance document can be found here.