
Community Highways Volunteering

We recognise that there are some services which are important to local communities, and that they would like to undertake themselves to enhance what we already do.

In order to respond to the needs of the community, and an increasing appetite from local communities to carry out some of these activities themselves, we have introduced the Community Highways Volunteering initiative. This enables community groups (through a town/parish council or residents association) to take on responsibility for the delivery of certain maintenance activities in their area.

Type of work which can be carried out

Community groups need to ensure that works will be carried out safely and in accordance with the law. Whilst this may preclude certain activities, many tasks will be possible.

Subject to agreement, the following types of work could be included in a volunteering scheme:

  • Cutting back vegetation overhanging the road or footway
  • Clearing footways of weeds
  • Sign cleaning
  • Litter picking
  • Painting Highway Assets

Safety of Volunteers

To undertake volunteer works on the highway the group must complete the Volunteer Guidance Agreement Documentation.  This includes things like Risk and Method Statements, Insurance requirements and other details. 

This is important as working on or close to the public highway (road, verge and footway) can be dangerous and it is possible to be seriously injured (or cause serious injury to others). 

All East Sussex County Council (and contractor) staff undergo regular training and hold appropriate certification before carrying out work on the highway.

Therefore, volunteer groups must ensure they meet certain requirements.

How to apply

If you would like to have an initial discussion, please email: contracts.managementgroup@eastsussex.gov.uk

Otherwise, please complete the Volunteer Guidance Agreement Documentation  fully and submit, with any relevant insurances or images, to: contracts.managementgroup@eastsussex.gov.uk

The team will then review and respond back to you.