Report a pothole

If you think the issue is an emergency please call us on 0345 60 80 193.

If it is not an emergency you can report a pothole below.

Intervention levels

Intervention levels prioritise issues based on their risk to safety, for example, deeper potholes on main roads are addressed first. These levels are set by Elected Members, not contractors or officers, to ensure our resources are used effectively.

Carriageway Potholes:

  • Category 1: Greater than 100mm and at least 300mm wide in all directions - Made Safe within 2 hours
  • Category 2: Greater than 60mm and less than 99mm deep and at least 300mm in all directions - Repaired within 5 days
  • Category 3: Greater than 40mm and less than 59mm deep and at least 300mm in all directions - Repaired within 28 days

Footway Potholes:

  • Category 1: Greater than 40mm deep – Made safe within 2 hours
  • Category 2: Greater than 30mm deep – Repaired within 5 days
  • Category 3: Greater than 20mm deep – Repaired within 28 days

Repairing all potholes at the same time would require significantly more resources and money. Reactive maintenance is more expensive than planned maintenance and does not provide best value for money.

You can find out more about the council's asset management policies and strategies here