Applying for a pedestrian/accessible dropped kerb
Please note, these are not Vehicle Access Crossovers. If you are wanting to apply for vehicle access to your property over a pavement or verge please see the Vehicle Access Crossover Guidance Notes.
East Sussex County Council has allocated a certain amount of funding to provide pedestrian dropped kerbs which will support accessibility. This funding has been prioritised to support access to either a specific service provision or improve journey conditions for those residents with disabilities (both physical and sensory), or those using buggies/prams, who are currently unable to access their local community provisions due to the lack of pedestrian dropped kerbs.
If you would like to apply for a pedestrian dropped kerb, please complete the Application Form for Accessible Dropped Kerbs at the end of this section. Please provide as much information as possible to allow us to accurately review your request.
Please note, requests received will go through a prioritisation and review process which can take up to 3 months. This is where we look at the request and take into consideration the impact of the lack of dropped kerbs. We will consider questions such as:
- Is there a dropped kerb located on only one side of the road?
- Are there issues associated with illegal parking?
- Are there issues with speed of traffic, congestion, reduced sight lines?
- Where is the location? Urban? Rural? Town, Village, purely residential, near to a bus stop?
- Is it located on main pedestrian routes within towns and other settlements with larger centres of populations to support the local community and visitors?
- Is the site located within areas where increased number of potential users may require access to specific services, or likely to be used by greater number of people using mobility aids, including hospitals, health centres, day care centres, sheltered accommodation, residential care homes, nursery and other education provision, transport hubs – rail stations, bus stations, public service buildings etc.
Please note we will review all requests on their merit and there is no guarantee that we will be able to install the pedestrian dropped kerbs as requested. Once a decision has been reached, you will be advised accordingly and if the application has been successful, the pedestrian dropped kerb will be installed within 2 months.