What we do - Street lighting

Conservation areas

Old or damaged street lights are usually replaced with standard street lights. If the road is in a conservation area, we ask the other local councils to help with extra costs for non-standard street lights. If funds are not available, standard lighting is installed.

We will then endeavour to hand back the heritage columns, if in reasonable condition, to the relevant District or Borough Council to repurpose how they see fit.

Standard street lights are not generally painted. However, street lights in sensitive or conservation areas are painted in order to help them blend in. They are usually painted every ten years.

ESCC's Highways Policies

You can access the Highways Inspection Manual, the Investigatory Matrix and more information about the Council's policies and strategies for the highways service on their website

Highways Policies, Strategies and Plans

Report a problem

If you think the problem is an emergency please call us on 0345 60 80 193. If it is not an emergency you can report it easily online here.

Report a problem online