What we do - Drainage

Common drainage issues

Blocked drains

Our drains often get blocked by silt, debris, or tree roots. When this happens, our team uses high-pressure water jets and root-cutting tools to clear them. In areas that flood a lot, also known as flooding 'hot spots', we use CCTV to check the condition of the drain pipes. 

Rural drainage systems

As a lot of East Sussex is rural, our drainage system relies on roadside ditches that connect to pipes and other ditches. Even though some of these ditches are owned by local landowners, we can still discharge highway surface water into them. Our team works directly with these landowners to look after the ditches. We are responsible for 505km of highway ditches and have a regular programme for clearing and refurbishing them.

Broken pipes

Sometimes, the drainage pipes will have broken completely. Where this happens, we will replace the any broken pipes with new ones.

ESCC's Highways Policies

You can access the Highways Inspection Manual, the Investigatory Matrix and more information about the Council's policies and strategies for the highways service on their website

Highways Policies, Strategies and Plans

Report a problem

If you think the problem is an emergency please call us on 0345 60 80 193. If it is not an emergency you can report it easily online here.

Report a problem online