Managing the network

We work collaboratively across a range of providers to reduce the impact of works on the highways and minimise disruption, keeping East Sussex moving. This includes:

  • coordinating all works undertaken on the public highway
  • issuing the appropriate permits and licences for activities that impact the network,
  • enforcing regulations

This is known as Network Management.

Managing public utilities

Under the New Roads & Street Works Act (NRSWA), it is the Council’s duty as the street authority to “coordinate all works undertaken on the public highway in the interests of safety, to protect the structure and integrity of the street and to minimise inconvenience to persons using the street (in particular to the needs of people with a disability).”

Utility companies (known as Statutory Undertakers) have a right to place, repair and maintain their apparatus within the public highway and also have a duty to cooperate with the street authority.

Under the Traffic Management Act (TMA) 2004, it is Council’s duty to manage their road network to “secure the expeditious movement of traffic and minimise traffic congestion and also to facilitate the expeditious movement of traffic on another authorities network”.

East Sussex Highways coordinate all work activities undertaken on the public Highway on behalf of East Sussex County Council (ECSS).

Prior to undertaking works on the public Highway, both Statutory undertakers (utility companies) and ESCC must apply for a permit to carry out the works.

Permit applications are reviewed to ensure there are no clashes with other planned works and to identify opportunities for collaboration before works durations and timings are agreed. 

Licencing and Enforcement

The East Sussex Highways Licensing and Enforcement team deals with a variety of different licensing applications, for example placing skips on the highway or istallation of dropped kerbs. All applications forms and a fee list can be found here.

The team also become involved if there are unlicensed objects or where there are other obstructions, for example overgrown vegetation from private properties.