Harley Shute Road, St Leonards - Surface Dressing

Map showing extent of works area as a red line from the junction with the A259 to the Gillsmans Hill Roundabout

Map showing extent of works area and diversion route

Balfour Beatty is working in partnership with East Sussex County Council to manage the highways service across East Sussex. As part of this, we will be carrying out surface dressing works in Harley Shute Road, St Leonards.

What does the work involve?

A layer of liquid bitumen is sprayed onto the road surface to seal it and provide a binder for stone chippings which are then spread on top. The road surface is then rolled to embed the chippings. This provides enhanced skid resistance, and prolongs the life of the road by up to 10 years by preventing water damage to the underlying structure.

Excess chippings are then swept after approximately 24 hours, on the third day and 7 days after the works are completed, however, this may change due to the weather conditions at the time.

When do they start?

These works are extremely weather dependant. If it rains or is too hot, we may be unable to start the work. We will inform you of any changes to the dates via advanced warning signs on site.

Tuesday 8 August – Surface Dressing to be carried out between 7pm and 7am.

Thursday 17 August – Surface Seal will be applied between 7pm and 7am.

Lining will be replaced at a later date which will be confirmed via advanced warning signs.

During the above periods, the road will be closed from the junction with the A259 to the Gillsmans Hill Roundabout. Please see map overleaf for exact location.

How will this impact highway users?

Harley Shute Road will be closed to through traffic during these works. A diversion route will be in placevia the B2092, A2690, A2100 The Ridge West, B2159 Battle Road, A21 London Road, A2102 London Road, A259 Grand Parade and vise versa.   

Access for emergency vehicles will be maintained.

Information for residents and businesses

Properties close to the works area may experience a temporary disturbance as this can be a noisy process. During periods of very dry and hot weather, there may be an increased amount of dust generated when the product is laid and for up to a week afterwards, we will do our best to minimise this.

Following the works, advisory 20mph speed limits are put in place to protect road users from loose chippings.

We would like to take this opportunity to apologise for any inconvenience or disruption this work may cause, however this forms part of our continuing improvement for the East Sussex highway network.

Please let us know how we did by leaving feedback. Please note you will be redirected to the East Sussex County Council consultation website.

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