This consultation opens on 29 November 2024 and closes on 2 January 2025.
It is proposed to introduce double yellow lines along the length of Whitworth Road between the eastern roundabout of the Queensway Gateway Road scheme and junction with A21 (Sedlescombe Road North). The existing double yellow lines on Whitworth Road will be refreshed as part of the final phase of the Queensway Gateway Road scheme.
Once open to through-traffic the Queensway Gateway Road scheme will form an important section of the local highway network providing a direct connection from Queensway (from the west) to A21 (to the east). The scheme is therefore expected to accommodate a significant volume of strategic traffic and the carriageway widths of the Queensway Gateway Road scheme have been designed and built to accommodate the safe two-way flow of traffic but do not allow appropriate width for parked cars.
It is also proposed to prohibit motorised vehicles from driving along the section of Junction Road from its junction with The Ridge West for a distance of approximately 100m to the south, as shown in the accompanying plans. Access to Junction Road by motorised vehicles will be prevented through physical works at both its northern and southern ends. Pedal cycle and pedestrian connectivity will remain in place, and access will be allowed for emergency and maintenance vehicles through the introduction of retractable bollards at either end of the closure.
These changes are proposed to allow a smoother free-flow of traffic between The Ridge West and A21 (Sedlescombe Road North) as existing turning movements into and out of Junction Road will be prohibited resulting in a more reliable journey time for this section of the road network. The preventing of motor vehicles accessing Junction Road will also reduce unnecessary slowing, stopping and braking of vehicles, which could present a highway safety issue and increase the potential for collisions, particularly rear-end shunt collisions.
In addition, it is proposed to introduce 30mph and 40mph speed restrictions along sections of Whitworth Road. The proposed speed limits are considered appropriate for the future nature of the Queensway Gateway Road scheme and will encourage the safe movement of all road users on Whitworth Road.
Initial consultations have been carried out. Based on the feedback received, we are now formally advertising these changes.
All comments must be received by the closing date.
Have your say on the consultation below: